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Deepparse: a state-of-the-art Python library for parsing multinational street addresses using deep learning.

Marouane Yassine (Institute Intelligence and Data, Laval University) , David Beauchemin (Group for Research in Artificial Intelligence, Laval University)


Record linkage consists of identifying multiple entries which refer to the same entity within a database or other data sources. Since many real-world entities are at least partially identified by their physical location, data parsing can prove itself to be quite useful in the context of record linkage.

Deepparse ( is an open-source python package that features state-of-the-art natural language processing models trained to achieve the task of address parsing. Contrary to many existing solutions, deepparse has been created with the objective of efficient multinational address parsing. Therefore, our models have been trained on data from 20 countries with different languages and address formats, and yielded accuracies around 99% when tested. In addition, we have conducted tests to evaluate the degree to which these models can generalize their performance beyond the countries in which they were trained. The results and details can be found in our published paper Leveraging subword embeddings for multinational address parsing.

In this post, we are going to cover the four main features of deepparse, namely:

Out-of-the-box parsing

Whether the addresses you wish to parse originate from the countries on which deepparse’s models were trained, or whether you wish to experiment with the package’s API, you can easily get started with a few lines of code.

First, you’ll need to choose one of the featured pre-trained models and instantiate an AddressParser. We offer the three following models:

In addition to these models, we offer the possibility of adding an attention mechanism to further enhance performance.

from deepparse.parser import AddressParser

parser = AddressParser(model_type="bpemb", attention_mechanism=True, device=0)

It is also possible to use a GPU to make the models’ predictions faster with the device argument.

Once the AddressParser is defined, you can parse an address or a list of addresses in any language with a simple call to the parser.

addreses = ["서울특별시 종로구 사직로3길 23", "777 Brockton Avenue, Abington MA 2351"]

parsed_addresses = parser(addreses)

for parsed_address in parsed_addresses:


[('서울특별시', 'Province'), ('종로구', 'Municipality'), ('사직로3길', 'StreetName'), ('23', 'StreetNumber')]
[('777', 'StreetNumber'), ('Brockton', 'StreetName'), ('Avenue,', 'StreetName'), ('Abington', 'Municipality'), ('MA', 'Province'), ('2351', 'PostalCode')]

Fine-tuning models

As mentioned before, deepparse’s models have been trained on a select number of countries, which means that the addresses you wish to parse may not have been encountered before during training. This may lead to a lower parsing performance. However, you need not worry as long as you have access to some labelled data for your use case (you can also check out our complete dataset. This is due to the retraining feature that enables fine-tuning of the pre-defined and pre-trained models in order to boost performance for specific use cases.

Retraining a model is as simple as making a call to an AddressParser’s retrain() method. The retrained model will be of the same type as the one with which the AddressParser was initialized.

training_container = PickleDatasetContainer(“PATH TO TRAINING DATA”)

address_parser = AddressParser(model_type="fasttext”)

address_parser.retrain(training_container, train_ratio=0.8, epochs=100)

Multiple arguments enable you to configure the training process’s hyperparameters, such as the number of training epochs and the batch size.

Furthermore, if you wish to test your retrained model’s performance, you can use the test() function to compute and return the main accuracy on a test sample.

testing_container = PickleDatasetContainer(“PATH TO TESTING DATA”)


If you are wondering what the data format should be, you can look at the original training data, which is openly available.

Defining new address components

Just like the original models are not enough to cover all use cases, one may also need to update the original parsing labels to better fit their needs. It’s possible (and easy) to do so during the retraining process by specifying a value for the prediction_tags argument of the retrain() function. The tags must be defined in a dictionary of which the keys are the new tags, and the values are their respective indices starting at 0.

For instance, let’s suppose we wish to retrain a model to recognize postal boxes, towns and countries. First of all, we would need to define a dictionary with the appropriate tags.

tags = {"po_box": 0, "town": 1, "country": 2, "EOS": 3}

Notice the presence of an extra tag (i.e. EOS). This tag must be present in the dictionary for the retraining to function correctly.

Once the tags are defined, we simply need to run the retraining process.


Modifying models’ architecture

Finally, if you are a machine/deep learning practitioner, you might be interested in altering our models’ architecture to experiment with different hyperparameters. All the parsing models are sequence-to-sequence artificial neural networks consisting of an encoder and a decoder, built using LSTMs. While retraining a model, you can easily modify the number of layers in each part of the network and the dimensions of the hidden state using the seq2seq_params argument. Like the tags, new parameters must be defined inside a dictionary.

seq2seq_params = {
    "encoder_hidden_size": 512,
    "decoder_hidden_size": 512

                       seq2seq_params= seq2seq_params)


When address parsing stands in the way of a successful record linkage, deepparse can alleviate some of the task’s complexity by providing a good parsing performance which can be further enhanced using its retraining features.

We welcome contributions to the library, as well as questions. So do not hesitate to stop by the Github repository if you have any inquiries!

About the Authors

Marouane Yassine is a data scientist at Laval University’s Institute Intelligence and Data. With a background in software engineering, he is passionate about deep learning and natural language processing and loves to perform research and build solutions related to those exciting fields.

David Beauchemin trained as an actuary, computer scientist, software engineer and holds an MSc in machine learning. He is currently a Ph.D. student in machine learning. His expertise is at the crossroads of insurance, laws, machine learning, software engineering, and the operationalization of AI systems.


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Yassine & Beauchemin (2022, Feb. 17). RLIG: deepparse. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Yassine, Marouane and Beauchemin, David},
  title = {RLIG: deepparse},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}